
Erik ten Hag has transformed the Man Utd locker room, and three of his leaders are living proof

Man Utd have been on an upward trajectory under Erik ten Hag since the Dutchman took over in the summer.

Erik ten Hag's squad during the 3-0 win over Nottingham Forest
Erik ten Hag’s squad during the 3-0 win over Nottingham Forest (Image: 2022 Man Utd FC)

Erik ten Hag has been relentless in his pursuit of success at Man Utd.

The former Ajax man is a natural winner. He refuses to cut corners or take shortcuts in his bid to restore United to where they once were and it is this approach that has ultimately seen the club head in the right direction since Ten Hag arrived this summer.

Although there have been bumps in the road, there is no denying that the club are currently on an upward trajectory. Having been in steady decline since the departure of Sir Alex Ferguson nine years ago, Ten Hag knew that in order to get results on the pitch, the work off it was just as important.

The culture and philosophy of a team is something that starts with the manager and trickles down into the coaching staff and players. Setting the tone can be a difficult challenge – finding the right balance of authority and adaptability is never easy – yet Ten Hag has managed to instil the mantra of hard-work, dedication and commitment to the cause with every training session he has overseen.

Sir Alex Ferguson's advice to Erik ten Hag over Man Utd's "big player" speaks volumes - Mirror Online

Having these principles embodied on the pitch requires managers to have players who are willing to be selfless – the realisation that the needs of the team come before that of the individual. In Raphael Varane, Luke Shaw and Casemiro, Ten Hag has three leaders that are living proof of his impact as a coach.

When Casemiro lined up as centre-back for United’s 2-0 win over Burnley in the Carabao Cup, a few eyebrows were raised – yet they needn’t have been. The Brazilian has shown that he can be relied upon when needed, regardless of where he is playing on the pitch.

Although Lisandro Martinez cannot be replaced at centre-back, Casemiro’s passion and willingness to put his body on the line for United show exactly what Ten Hag has been trying to implement at Old Trafford in his first few months in charge – the 30-year-old, much like his manager, does not know what it means to give up.

Shaw also found himself playing out of position recently, with the left-back lining up alongside Varane for the 3-0 win against Nottingham Forest, allowing Casemiro to return to the midfield. Shaw has enjoyed somewhat of a revival under Ten Hag, with the full-back explaining earlier on in the season that he needed to be performing more consistently at a higher level.

Luke Shaw admits he's blown away by Lisandro Martinez and names two key qualities - Mirror Online

“Last season was very disappointing, not just as a team but also individually for me,” Shaw said. “It wasn’t what people expect or what I expect and I think this season is another fresh start. Now it’s time for me to keep consistency and keep higher levels of performance week in, week out which I’ve spoken to the manager about already and that’s what he wants.”

Shaw has found that level of consistency under Ten Hag and was one of United’s most reliable performers before the World Cup break. His versatility has seen him become one of the Dutchman’s most trusted players.

Although it might seem a tad jarring to label shaw as a ‘leader’, the eight years he has spent at Old Trafford means that he is one of the most senior players in the squad and someone that has proven they can be turned to when needed during the course of this season.

Shaw and Casemiro have shown their adaptability, a trait that Ten Hag loves his footballers to have. Yet when it comes to Varane, the centre-back has something else entirely.

6 thủ lĩnh trong tay Erik ten Hag-xóc đĩa

“Rapha shows once again his great personality, the great standard he is giving Man Utd by coming from the World Cup,” Ten Hag said after the win against Forest. “A problem in the centre half position and he took the responsibility to play and he performed really well and he was once again really important for our team.”

Having suffered heartbreak in the final less than 10 days before kick-off, you could have forgiven Varane for wanting more time before a return to the pitch. But the Frenchman showed an incredible attitude to come back and help his side out when both Martinez and Harry Maguire were unavailable for starting selection.

The culture being exhibited by the key players in Ten Hag’s squad is no coincidence. The 52-year-old has got his side to get on board with the direction the club are heading in and has managed to convince everyone to row in the same direction.

Cristiano Ronaldo may not have agreed with him, but there is little point dwelling on the past. Besides, there only seems to have been one winner from the 37-year-old’s fallout – something that many will look back on as a defining moment during his tenure.

Erik ten Hag told "keep your mouth shut" after awkward Cristiano Ronaldo explanation - Mirror Online

Success does not happen overnight, but the signs of improvement have been clear to see ever since Ten Hag walked through the doors at Old Trafford. So long as he has the likes of Shaw, Casemiro and Varane to rely on – United appear to only be heading in one direction under their new manager.


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